Freight Elevators

Freight Elevators

Freight elevators are the workhorses of the elevator world, responsible for transporting goods and materials in warehouses, industrial and manufacturing environments, shopping centers, airports, train stations, and seaports. This hydraulic elevator type is divided into classes, which defines their application and load capability. Rugged in nature, they are expertly designed by engineers to have the right power and drive to vertically move and load, pending the need and class standards.

We are an authorized dealer for many leading freight elevator suppliers and manufacturers. We recommend the use of non-proprietary equipment because it ensures that your elevator installation brings the best value to your building.

Please see our case studies for examples of how we solved our clients’ problems, and what they have to say about it. Contact us with questions about freight elevators, discuss your building situation, and find out if this elevator type is right for you.
  • Designed for industrial and commercial application
  • Flexibility in design to accommodate the application
  • Jackhole not required with holeless drive
  • Eco-friendly with use of biodegradable hydraulic oil
  • Variable door designs accommodate most requirements
  • Engineered to accommodate customer needs and class standards
  • Manufactured and installed per current industry code standards
  • Regularly scheduled preventive maintenance helps to minimize downtime
Momentum Elevator
Note: If you have any further questions about the design state, installation, or any miscellaneous queries you’d like to run by us, please feel free to reach us through our contact page for friendly and helpful service.